Trump is like a Rorschach test.
[Read more…]hypostate
hypostate (hip-pos-teyt, -tit), n. one who acts in contradiction to one’s sanctimoniously established religious or political principles to such a degree that one has, in effect, forsaken one’s religion, cause, party, etc.
Iceland: A taste of the north
One nice thing about visiting a small-ish country: it requires a lot less rushing around.
[Read more…]The why and what of
If someone were to tell me, “I’m a writer,” and I were to say, “Cool! What do you write?” and he were to say, “Well, I don’t, really,” I’d have grounds to be suspicious of his claim.
[Read more…]angostic
angostic (ang-gos-tik), n. a person who holds that the existence of Dog is unknown and unknowable; broadly, one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of Dog or a dog.
politheism (pol-i-thee-iz-uh m), n. The politically expedient belief in God.
Iceland: South and back
Just as I was getting used to Reykjavík, it was time to head south.
[Read more…]neological
neological (nee-uh-loj-i-kuh l), adj. 1. following a newly coined principle of logic. 2. Psychology. following a new line of reasoning that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia and is typically a combination of two logical principles or a shortening or distortion of an existing logical principle. 3. Parenting. following a new line of reasoning that is coined in any discussion with a teenager. 4. Politics. Anything that comes from the Trump White House.
Iceland: New Year’s in Reykjavík
By the time I got to the fireworks, things were better. But I struggled during those first hours in Reykjavík.
[Read more…]censura
censura (sen-zhoor-uh), n. [pl. censurae (sen-zhoor-ee)] Prosody. a disapproving pause, usually near the middle of a verse, marked in scansion by a sad-face emoticon; any disapproving or judgmental pause.