misdenunciation (mis-dih-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n ), n. the act or habit of using a word incorrectly for false public censure or condemnation. Ex.: the misdenunciation of all unfavorable news as “fake.”
alteruism (awl-ter-oo-iz-uh m), n. the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to changing others for their own good.
internity (in-tur-ni-tee), n. 1. the infinite, endless, or seemingly endless state or condition of working in an organization for little or no pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements of qualification in an occupation or profession with few or no available jobs. 2. Medicine. the timeless state into which the medical student passes upon graduation from medical school.
clausetrophobia (klawz-truh–foh-bee-uh), n. an extreme or irrational fear of sentence fragments.
snowfake (snoh-feyk), n. a person who displays a spurious and often hypocritical sense of outrage over comments that challenge his or her sense of entitlement.
klimtomania (klimt-tuh–mey-nee-uh, –meyn-yuh), n. Psychology. an impulse control disorder characterized by a persistent failure to resist buying coffee-table books that feature the work of Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918); broadly, the irresistible impulse to buy coffee-table art books, especially when one does not own a coffee table.
honerous (on-er-uh s), adj. involving, imposing, or constituting a burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome expression of admiration or respect. Ex.:
religual (ri-lij-oo uh l), adj. of or pertaining to sentiment or habit that is left over after belief in or worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially of a personal God or gods, has gone. Ex.: Though he now considers himself atheist, he still feels a religual disappointment in the politics of white evangelicals.
tone-def (tohn-def), adj. of or demonstrating a highly refined inability to recognize the possible cause for offense of, or concern about, an issue or situation; designating or of a type of explanation, statement, etc. that is very clearly insensitive or out of touch. Ex.: Facebook’s latest tone-def apology.
Stürmisch und Drang
Stürmisch und Drang (shtoo rm-ish oont drahng) [< German: Literally, Stormy and urge, though conventionally translated as Stormy and stress], n. 1. a style or movement of American cinema of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, characterized by works containing arousing action and bad acting that often deal with the individual’s rejection of social mores. 2. confusion; tumult; turmoil; upheaval. Ex.: A presidency characterized by Stürmisch und Drang.