“Becoming a dominatrix had not been my plan when I moved to New York…”
[Read more…]What I’m reading:
The irony of irony: The Swirling Eddies’ “Outdoor Elvis”
What I’m reading: Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ Saga—the print version
Maybe I’m just a crotchety old fart, but when it comes to comics, I prefer paper to digital.
[Read more…]How I spent my summer vacation
I’m ready for summer.
[Read more…]Aging and agelessness
I have long been haunted by a passage from Milan Kundera’s Immortality.
[Read more…]What I’m reading (and teaching): McIntyre’s Post-Truth
I’m more nervous than usual about the upcoming semester.
[Read more…]“The Paranoid Style,” part 3:
Both sides now
What I’m reading: Amber Benson’s Death’s Daughter
I haven’t finished reading Montaigne’s Essays yet, but it’s summer, and sometimes a guy just needs a break from 16th-century France.
[Read more…]Permission to fail
As with all adages, “give yourself permission to fail” depends a bit on context.
[Read more…]Lessons in civility
They said, “Be civil.” So I looked to our nation’s moral leader for guidance.