For the most part, I’m not embarrassed to admit that I used to be Christian. But the white evangelical support for Trump is changing that, and I kind of resent it.
[Read more…]religual
religual (ri-lij-oo uh l), adj. of or pertaining to sentiment or habit that is left over after belief in or worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially of a personal God or gods, has gone. Ex.: Though he now considers himself atheist, he still feels a religual disappointment in the politics of white evangelicals.
tone-def (tohn-def), adj. of or demonstrating a highly refined inability to recognize the possible cause for offense of, or concern about, an issue or situation; designating or of a type of explanation, statement, etc. that is very clearly insensitive or out of touch. Ex.: Facebook’s latest tone-def apology.
A routine redesign
My morning routine has been working pretty well. So I’m changing it.
[Read more…]Embracing procrastination
I admit it: I’m a procrastinator.
[Read more…]Iceland: The last leg of the journey
The winds south of Borgarnes almost made me late for my appointment at the Blue Lagoon.
[Read more…]Stürmisch und Drang
Stürmisch und Drang (shtoo rm-ish oont drahng) [< German: Literally, Stormy and urge, though conventionally translated as Stormy and stress], n. 1. a style or movement of American cinema of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, characterized by works containing arousing action and bad acting that often deal with the individual’s rejection of social mores. 2. confusion; tumult; turmoil; upheaval. Ex.: A presidency characterized by Stürmisch und Drang.
followership (fol-oh-er-ship), n. a group’s shared identity, created by subscription to a leader’s teaching, guidance, example, or social media account(s).
polyarmorous (pol-ee-ahr-muh-ruh s), adj. demonstrating a deep love for and commitment to the ownership of multiple firearms, often with a component of romantic or sexual desire. Ex. The United States of America houses the world’s most polyarmorous citizenry.
anthropomoralism (an-thruh-puh–mawr–uh-liz-uh m, mor-), n. the attribution of human moral principles to the behavior of a non-human entity, often as a lesson suggesting that humans should follow the example of that entity. Ex.: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!”