Somehow I missed my “best, etc. of” post for 2021.
[Read more…]On favorites
I’ve recently become suspicious of my favorite things.
[Read more…]10dmc #day11: Honorable mentions
Two things killed me about the 10-Day Movie Challenge, which I got sucked into on Facebook: presenting the films without explanation, and selecting only ten movies.
But, as I said way back when, I have a blog, which means I can ignore those rules. So I explained each of the ten films — and now, since ten films was just too hard, here are my 10DMC Honorable Mentions.
[Read more…]10DMC #day10: The Matrix
I love movies. When I sit down to watch a film, I expect to enjoy myself, and my standards are low enough that I’m rarely disappointed. Often, I’m wowed. But I can think of only three films that have made me feel genuine awe. I’ve written about two of them in this 10-day movie challenge series: the original Star Wars, and Blade Runner.
The third is The Matrix.
[Read more…]10DMC #day8: Ghost in the shell
Very few movies even approach what is, for me, the gold standard of science fiction: Blade Runner. One of those is Ghost in the Shell.
[Read more…]10DMC #day3: Blade runner
If I’d listed this “10 Day Movie Challenge” in order by greatest impact, Blade Runner would have been first, hands down.
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