sufferage (suhf-er-ij), n. the condition of one whose right to vote has sustained a setback, decline in effectiveness, or even loss, due to suppression, intimidation, or imposed disadvantage. Ex.: Dodge City, Kansas: “For this November’s election, local officials have moved [the only polling site for 27,000 residents] outside the city limits to a facility more than a mile from the nearest bus stop, citing road construction that blocked the previous site.” —The Wichita Eagle
karma splice
karma splice (kahr-muh splahys), n. Education, informal. 1. a teacher’s suspicion that she must have done something very bad in a previous life to deserve the grammatically incoherent essays turned in by her students. 2. a student’s suspicion that a teacher’s obsession with grammar indicates that the teacher must have been an authoritarian despot in a previous life.
manplain (man-pleyn), v. Informal. (of a man) to express dissatisfaction, annoyance, or resentment at the perceived injustice against, or victimhood of, men. Ex.: “It’s a very scary time for young men in America”; “If it could happen to him, it could happen to any man.”
wish hunt
wish hunt (wish-huhnt), n. a strong desire to dismiss reasonable inquiries into alleged disloyalty, dishonesty, subversive political activity, etc. as politically motivated and unjustified campaigns, based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence, against honestly held, unpopular opinions. Ex.: Trump’s and his supporters’ dismissal of the Mueller investigation.
psychopompous (sahy-koh-pom-puhs) [< Greek: ψυχοπομπώδης], adj. Mythology. characterized by an affectedly grand, solemn, pretentious, or self-important guidance into the afterlife. Ex.: That Charon is a psychopompous ass.
religioscopy (ri-lij-ee-os-kuh-pee), n. an internal examination of ardent religious feeling, investigating symptoms such as excessive or affected piety, superficiality, ostentation, or hypocrisy; requires sedation.
de-facto (dee-fak-toh), adj. Politics. with the facts removed; presented as if true, especially when contrary to obvious evidence . Ex.: the de-facto size of the inauguration crowd.
sellacious (sel-ley-shuh s), adj. characterized by unnecessarily detailed descriptions of a celebrity’s potentially embarrassing sexual behavior, made available for purchase, either for publication or to avoid publication. Ex.: the National Enquirer’s safe full of sellacious stories.
derp-seated (durp–see-tid), adj. firmly implanted or established in foolishness or stupidity. Ex.: a derp-seated belief in trickle-down economics.
braggadouchious (brag-uh–doosh–uh s), adj. North American informal: vulgar. Characterized by empty boasting or arrogant pretension, to the point that the person becomes obnoxious, contemptible, or offensive (typically used of a man). Ex.: Only a braggadouchious man would claim to be “non-braggadocious.”
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