press griefing (pres gree-fing), n. a meeting called by an organization, government, etc. to confuse, harass, provoke, frustrate, or aggravate journalists and, by extension, the public at large. Ex.: “Sarah Sanders presents the official White House policy: The media is the enemy of the people.”
ruppository (ruh–poz-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee), n. A small, solid mass of fabricated evidence, facts, statistics, information, etc., inserted into the rectum, enabling one quickly to pull arguments out of one’s ass. Ex.:
OED (oh-ee-dee), n. Psychiatry. Oxford English Disorder: a potentially disabling anxiety disorder in which a person mentally or verbally reacts to misspelled, mispronounced, or misused words. OED occurs in a spectrum from mild to severe and, if severe and left untreated, can destroy a person’s relationships at work, at school, or even at home.
disingenious (dis-in-jeen-yuh s), adj. 1. of a person. having or showing an unusual aptitude for dishonesty or insincerity; skilled at inventing new ways to deceive or mislead. 2. of things or ideas. characterized by original or inventive deception or insincerity. Ex.: Russian troll farms developed disingenious tactics to sow discord among American voters.
POTUS interruptus
POTUS interruptus (poh-tuh s in-tuh–ruhp-tuh s), n. Withdrawal method, used or threatened by the President of the United States, presumably to garner economic or rhetorical advantage, as with NAFTA, TPP, the Paris Agreement, the Iran nuclear deal, the UN Global Compact on Migration, NATO, etc. Generally a dick move.
angstrovert (ahngkst-ruh-vurt, angst-, -roh-), n. an individual whose attention and interests are directed wholly or predominantly toward an unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
vitriotic (vi-tree-ot-ik), adj. feeling or inspired by devotion to and support for one’s country, expressed through severely caustic or hateful invective against foreigners or political opponents . Ex.:
unstruction (uhn-struhk-shuh n), n. the act, practice, or profession of imparting information that is confusing, bewildering, or perplexing. Ex.: Any explanation of quantum physics.
intention span
intention span (in-ten-shuh n span), n. the length of time for which an individual or group is able to maintain motivation to do a specified thing or act in a specified manner, often inversely related to outrage levels generated from news reports or social media.
nettribution (net-truh–byoo-shuh n), n. the action of ascribing a quote on the Internet to Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, or Albert Einstein. Ex.: “The problem with quotes found on the Internet is that they are often not true.” —Abraham Lincoln