They said, “Be civil.” So I looked to our nation’s moral leader for guidance.
“The Paranoid Style,” part 2:
Broflakes and snowfakes
misdenunciation (mis-dih-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n ), n. the act or habit of using a word incorrectly for false public censure or condemnation. Ex.: the misdenunciation of all unfavorable news as “fake.”
snowfake (snoh-feyk), n. a person who displays a spurious and often hypocritical sense of outrage over comments that challenge his or her sense of entitlement.
honerous (on-er-uh s), adj. involving, imposing, or constituting a burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome expression of admiration or respect. Ex.:
Different worlds: Talking about Trump
hypostate (hip-pos-teyt, -tit), n. one who acts in contradiction to one’s sanctimoniously established religious or political principles to such a degree that one has, in effect, forsaken one’s religion, cause, party, etc.
politheism (pol-i-thee-iz-uh m), n. The politically expedient belief in God.